
Showing posts from June, 2017

Why You're Not Loosing Weight and Getting Way More Fat

The problem with most people who are trying to get fit is that they really dont educate themselves about the food/drinks that they take. Nutrition Facts and Ingredients are almost at the back of every food/bev products so that we know what we're consuming, sadly, almost no one gives a damn. Then they wonder why they're getting fat, blaming it entirely on "rice" which is a strange logic since Asians have been known to be slender for centuries despite consuming rice everyday. Anyway, here's some of my tip: #1 - obviously, check the Nutrition Facts. Your protein shakes must have more sugar than you think. -USANA protein shakes has 6grams of sugar per 1scoop -Mutant Whey has 2.5grams of sugar per 1scoop -Promatrix 7 has 2 grams of sugar per 1scoop (not to mention it has FDA Advisory released last 2015 as an unregistered food supplement / meaning it didnt go thorough health and safety check with the FDA link [URL="

4 Reasons Why You're Not Building Muscle

If you've been in the gym for quite some time now and you're struggling to get bigger, you might be doing something wrong with your work-out or with your diet. But hey, I got you bro but this isn't some broscience that most of the Pinoys say without backing it up with logic - this is based on science, and the good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it. Here are the top reasons why you're not building muscle: 1. OVERTRAINING - It's real. It's a thing that sets up a roadblock for many guys that consider themselves to be hard gainers, or just unable to add muscle. You see, we always think that more is better. We've been conditioned in this society to think that more is better. When it comes to training, more is not better. More is not better. Only the right amount of the right type of training is better. As soon as you start going down that path you become even more likely to continue to go down that path because you try

ON Gold Standard Whey Protein Isolate: In-Depth Review of the Best Protein Powder in the Philippines

Why is this most popular and the best on Protein Powder in the Philippines? 1. PRICE - First of all, NEVER buy at any shopping malls because they will rip you off! Even at the gyms where you train, they will also rip you off. I know because I've been there and I did my own research. I'm not some kind of rich kid who just throws away my hard earned money, I'm just an average Juan who just wants quality stuff for a fair price. So if you go at shopping malls, price for ON Gold Standard Whey Protein at these places can go as high as P2,800 for 2lbs item. But if you go to this link , price is just around P1,900! That's 42% less bro! As for the 5lbs product, they go as high as P6,500! It's so ridiculously expensive when you can get it here for almost half the price of P3,490 (46% less!)   Don't believe me? then click this link to see how much these people are deceiving us: ON Gold Standard 2lbs ON Gold Standard 5lbs Seriously dude, why do they do this to us?