4 Reasons Why You're Not Building Muscle

If you've been in the gym for quite some time now and you're struggling to get bigger, you might be doing something wrong with your work-out or with your diet. But hey, I got you bro but this isn't some broscience that most of the Pinoys say without backing it up with logic - this is based on science, and the good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it. Here are the top reasons why you're not building muscle:

1. OVERTRAINING - It's real. It's a thing that sets up a roadblock for many guys that consider themselves to be hard gainers, or just unable to add muscle. You see, we always think that more is better. We've been conditioned in this society to think that more is better. When it comes to training, more is not better. More is not better. Only the right amount of the right type of training is better. As soon as you start going down that path you become even more likely to continue to go down that path because you try more and that doesn't work.  But the truth is, you need to allow your body to recover.  Find ways to enhance your recovery. Focus more on the intensity of the weights you're lifting rather than the number of reps. Also, it's recommended that you rest for 1-2 days after a full 5 day work out.

2. UNDERTRAINING - You might be wondering wow can you be undertraining and overtraining at the same time? Because undertraining is when you show up at the gym thinking that just by walking into the gym and greeting everyone with your presence, logging in, grabbing your protein shake and then heading over the leg extension machine that you're going to build muscle - that's not how it works. The numbers that you're doing in the gym, the reps that you're counting don’t mean shit. If you want to build muscle, the only thing that ever matters is the intensity that you're bringing to those numbers. if you're able to lift the weight easily for 5 reps - you're already undertraining. So pump up your weights to a point that doing 5-6 reps of a particular work-out is already super hard for you. That's the way to get rid of undertraining and that also will save you more time doing other stuff.

3. NO CHALLENGE - people tend to avoid the hard exercises. I'm also guilty of it when i was first starting out. I avoided the hard ones. You know the hard ones: Dead Lift, Squats, Pull ups, Weighted Dips, etc. However, those compound exercises are the ones that tend to deliver the most gains when building muscles. If you want to build muscle, you'd better build your foundation of strength and build it with those key foundational exercises with those scary exercises, with those intimidating exercises. You don’t have to jump in and do what everybody else is doing though. Choose a weight that is comfortable to you. Again, use weights that will enable you to do just around 5-6 reps to maximize your gains and definitely tear those muscle fibers.

4. NUTRITION/DIET - Garbage in/Garbage out. Some people think that it's all about counting calories, doesn't matter what kind of food they eat as long as they meet a certain number of calories then they're good to go. If that's what you're doing then you're definitely doing it wrong, my friend. Even though you're over nourishing in terms of the amount of calories you're taking in, You are under nourishing your muscles. You are not providing the nutrients that your muscles needed as a fuel for growth. You see, it's a very important difference. If you don’t provide yourself with the right type of calories, calories alone will not help you to build muscle. Eat the right type of foods (vegetables, fruits, and replace meat with high protein stuff like nuts, beans, tofu, mushrooms, etc) and you'll see the big difference within 2 weeks.


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