Why You're Not Loosing Weight and Getting Way More Fat

The problem with most people who are trying to get fit is that they really dont educate themselves about the food/drinks that they take. Nutrition Facts and Ingredients are almost at the back of every food/bev products so that we know what we're consuming, sadly, almost no one gives a damn. Then they wonder why they're getting fat, blaming it entirely on "rice" which is a strange logic since Asians have been known to be slender for centuries despite consuming rice everyday.

Anyway, here's some of my tip:

#1 - obviously, check the Nutrition Facts. Your protein shakes must have more sugar than you think.
-USANA protein shakes has 6grams of sugar per 1scoop
-Mutant Whey has 2.5grams of sugar per 1scoop
-Promatrix 7 has 2 grams of sugar per 1scoop (not to mention it has FDA Advisory released last 2015 as an unregistered food supplement / meaning it didnt go thorough health and safety check with the FDA link [URL="http://www.fda.gov.ph/advisories-2/food-2/258818-fda-advisory-no-2015-055-public-warning-against-unregistered-promatrix-7-multiple-source-protein"]here[/URL] )
-NitroTech has 1gram of sugar per 1scoop (but this product is so expensive.)

Now, my question is - how many scoops do you put when you make your protein shakes? 2? 3? 4?
Also, how many times do you drink protein shakes per day? Keep in mind Nscoops x Ngrams of sugar.

#2 - If you put milk which has way more sugar than your protein powder, then you're already overdoing it.
-Bear Brand Sterilized Milk has a whopping 14.4g of sugar per cup(240ml)
-Selecta Fortified Milk has 12grams of sugar per cup
-Nestle Fresh Milk has also 12grams of sugar per cup
-Silk Soy Milk has 5grams per cup

Now imagine how many sugars you already get just by having 1 drink of your protein shake.
So as much as possible, drop the milk and replace it with fruits instead /banana, berries, etc.

You can read my in-depth review [URL="https://wheyproteinph.blogspot.com/2017/06/on-gold-standard-whey-protein-isolate.html"]blog review[/URL] of what's the best protein powder out there.


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